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First Impressions: MMORPGs can be intimidating to some of us more casual gamers but any fears of being lost or clueless were soon put to rest when the game started up and immediately prompted me to start doing things. After choosing one of three available classes for my character and getting into the game useful hint boxes guided me straight into my first quest. This formula continued throughout the entire single-player campaign and may have made the game to easy later on. That is something to bring up in the review but for now, let's just focus on the experience. You play some sort of heroic character being called on by various factions in the game to fulfill given quests which usually involve fighting what the characters of the game refer to as "feinds". I will say that no real strategy is needed in battle since it is fully automated which is a negative aspect in my opinion but more on that in the review. The main goal of the campaign is to recruit and train teammates as well as upgrading your own stats and items. The game has many functions that serve to do just that and we will go over each function and what its purpose is. These individual functions are simply specific screens to go to in order to upgrade and advance.
The main world: arriving in the game you instantly see other players roaming around doing their own quests but it is not immediately clear how the dynamic of PVP and or player with player gameplay operates. It is obvious that you can reach out via the community chat interface at the bottom of the screen which can be set to "world" or to more specific frequencies. You can also add friends and trade goods. you can freely wander around but you also have the option to simply click to quest buttons for a more linear automatic approach to navigating through the campaign. Completing the main story quests will result in rewards in the form of stat increases, money, resources, armor, weapons, abilities, runes, artifacts, and desire. Each reward serves a unique purpose in making you and your teammates more and more powerful in battle.
So....isn't this a sex game?: Yes, it is. This is more of a game with some sex in it than sex with some game in it. This game has legit substance as a gaming experience and is themed with an adult feel. Nudity is seen throughout the entire game but in a passive way. To experience the very sexy side of Gods Of Hentai you must travel to what I call your characters lair. In this lair, you can look at books and illustrations which can be unlocked. These will eventually depict nudity and sexual scenes featuring hot hentai girls. The books are unlocked by progressing through the game and meeting new characters. The illustration galleries are unlocked by going on dates with various hentai girls from the community. The date usually will consist of heavily narrated sexual dialogue accompanied by hardcore sex pictures to aid in the story. Also in your lair, you can have a couple of sex slaves and display them in cages to be used at your leisure.
Player stats
The player stats are in the upper left corner of the HUD (heads up display) and contain all of the important real time info on your character including power level, charm level, main level, money, and more. consult this regularly to stay up to date on the state of your hero.
Chat Interface
The chat interface is on the lower left corner of the HUD and using this you can choose who you want to see your messages and also you will be able to see other players and characters remarks in real time in the world.
Task List
The task list is located in the lower right hand corner of the HUD. The task list contains all of your currently active tasks and by clicking on a task your character will automatically navigate to the task location.
Gifts And Up Sell icons
In the upper right to middle area of the HUD are two rows of icons representing functions having to do with your daily gifts for logging in and mostly up selling attempts. The game is trying to make money and many of these icons are about offering you shortcuts in the way of items and stats in exchange for your money. This area also contains the settings cog for in game settings and others as well as the game map.
Main Game Functions
Finally in the lower right hand corner of the HUD you will find the main game functions. These functions represent profile, training, team, desire, bag, gear, artifact, and runes. Also the full body avatar of your character is clickable to be transported to the players lair.
Profile and Bag
In the profile function screen you will find all of your team members and yourself. In here you can view your equipped items as well as items in your bag ready to be equipped. Also you can see a quick summary of each characters level and ratings.
In the training function screen you see again all of your available charaacters for your team. Here you can train all of your different classes like vanguard, assaulter, and support. Visit here regularly to make sure your whole team is as strong as it could be before going into battle.
Team Management
In the team management functions screen you will assign newly acquired characters to the front, mid, or back of your formation. Also you can choose an artifact to aid in battle. Choosing the right positions for your team members in either front, mid, or back is crucial to success. The combination of each characters stats and levels will contribute to the overall stats of the combat row as depicted in the lower parts of the columns.
You earn desire by completing quests and progressing through the game in the form of soul points. Use these point to periodically go to the desire function screen and unlock more circles in the map. This will lead to higher skills.
In the bag function screen you can look at all your items and gear and either expand them or sell them off for extra money.
In the gear functions screen you have the option to continually enhance you and your teammates gear at the cost of resources to increase their effectiveness. It is a good idea to visit this screen after every battle to keep your teams gear top notch.
Artifacts are ecnhanted objects that aid in battle and almost act as an extra teammate. Artifacts have their own attack in battle and having a good one at the ready is useful.
Battles are almost completely automated and simulate themselves based on the stats and abilties of the combatants. Before going into battle you always have a chance to cange your formation and gear...
Players Lair
In your lair you can place items and characters as collectors items on display. You can also visit your slaves for fun. At the bottom of the screen are some functions like Dating, Illustration, and Books...
Dating is where you find the sex in this supposed sex game. In the dating screen you unlock one by one these hot girls to date and the more you date them the more kinds of sex you have with them. This will unlock illustrations galleries for you to go back and view at will.
Unlocked Illustrations
After your dates go to the illustrations screen to see the galleries you have unlocked.
Unlocked Books
In addition to galleries you can also unlock books by playing the game and interacting with new characters. Come to this screen from time to time to see if you have unlocked anything. Basically books are the same as galleries and feature series of nude and sexy images of hot hentai girls.
Summary: In conclusion, Gods Of hentai is a game you must play for weeks and even months to explore every facet it has to offer. I chose to stick to the main campaign and did not venture that far into the more non-linear player versus player and player world interaction the game may and may not offer. This is something for you to explore on your own. Just remember, the best strategy for this game as far as I can tell is just keeping on track with your continuous upgrading and enhancing everything any time you can do it. I am sure you will have fun if you try Gods Of Hentai because I did and I am not even a huge fan of MMORPG. So since you have nothing to lose go ahead and try it out to see if it wets your whistle.... and other things.
Be sure to also check out our review --> Gods of Hentai Game Review
You can play the full game at