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Kamihime Project R - Playthru & Walkthrough

Video Playthrough By HornyToonDog:

Kamihime Project R Guide

In this guide I will show you some basic info about Kamihime Project R, scratching the surface of a very intense and involved adult themed RPG. Hopefully the info within will give you a head start and allow you to more easily traverse the games many dynamics. We will go over elements of the in game characters, items, magic, game modes and more. Make sure you also read the official review of kamihime Project R here on Kamihime Project summed up Kamihime Project is essentially all about resource management. Players will have three resources throughout the game including playtime, passage of ACTUAL time, and money. Each of the resources in general has diminishing returns, and if you utilize some good strategy you may be able to strike a close to even balance between all three. In-game Resources
  • AP: You basically obtain AP by the mere passage of time and it can be used to initiate battles of different types, the maximum limit is determined by player rank. If you can get a hold of some elixirs you can obtain even more and these can be gained as rewards from events and missions. If you are lazy and rich you could always just buy some elixirs with money or jewels.
  • BP: BP is also basically obtained via the passage of time and you can use it to join Raid Battles. Using seed consumables rewarded from events and missions you can obtain more BP.
  • �Gems: You can get gems from both Union events and Gem quests. They can be quickly used for weapon enhancements and accessory enhancements. You generally will not find any gems like this until later in the game.
  • �Jewels: Jewels are used to broaden your inventory and also to buy Gatcha rolls. Spend your initial start of game batch of jewels, since you start with 6k, on Gatcha rolls.
  • �Star Coins: Star coins are the games most valuable currency.
Kamihime and Eidolons
  • Kamihime: These are god-like beings who are actually former humans. They are endowed with strong magical abilities and power. They also suffer from amnesia having lost their memory after the first Ragnarok!
  • Eidolon: Eidolons are the same age as the world and even though they may resemble humans, they have unlimited amounts of incredible power and are fierce fighters. These beings if allied with your group can be called upon in battle for extreme damage.
Obtaining Kamihime You can acquire new Kamihime in the following three ways:
  • Gacha rolls
  • Clearing episodes in the main quest mode
  • If you unlock a weapon associated with a certain Kamihime that Kamihime will automatically join your party
Types of Kamihime
  • While it is true that offense Kamihime can deliver the greatest amount of damage and are capable of buffing even their own damage and counter acting enemy defenses, they lack HP.
  • �These kamihime have the power to minimize damage, they also are prone to survive longer but it is at the cost of lower damage output. They posses higher HP but low attack.
  • This is a well balanced Kamihime with a mixture of offense and defense.
  • Healing Kamihime can restore HP to all allies and even cure sickness.
  • They aid in battle by being able to debuff enemies and also buff allies
Game Elements To level up your equipment and Eidolons, you will want to utilize the enhance system.� Upgrading will add EXP to the items and level them u thus increasing it's stats and also increasing it's in battle effectiveness. The Gacha system is the games slot machine or draw of chance type interface for obtaining noncombat items. Gacha rolls cost jewels or other in game currency. Shop In the shop you can use all of the type of in game currency to obtain rewards. It is possible to buy three kinds of items including, star points or magic jewels, exchange materials, and accessory points. You can also find some good deals on the promotional banners found within. The Union is Kamihime Project's version of a guild or a clan. They can be formed by players and within they can chat among themselves and work together to achieve greatness. Quests Quests are the heart of Kamihime Project and are divided into four categories all accessible in the main quest menu. All of these quests require a certain amount of AP to initiate. In general quests to reward you with rank points, experience points, and gems, but are also known to drop other items depending on the type of quest. Quest Types
Main Quests The story line of the game is progressed by completing the Main quests. The main quest is done via chapters each with their own 4 quests. You will get 50 magic jewels for every chapter so it is highly advised to complete the main quest.
Sub Quests The difference between sub quests and main quests is mainly that sub quests can be initiated in any order. Sub quests can only be unlocked by completing main quests. For every chapter you complete in main quests you will unlock two sub quests. The completion of a sub quest will result in an award of 50 magic jewels.
  • Special Quests
Special quests can be initiated without any other quests being completed. The only prerequisite is rank for certain special quests. Event Quests Event quests which do not reset daily are present for the entire duration of an event. Most events last about 8 days. Daily Quests   These are reset every day at�0 AM (PDT / UST-7)   Well that is about it. There is much that is not covered in this short guide but the info above should be enough to educate you on the basics of kamihime Proect R. be sure to go check it out and play it now on Nutaku! Also check out the review here.

Be sure to also check out our review --> Kamihime Project R Game Review

You can play the full game at Nutaku