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Kamihime Project R - Game Review

Video Review By HornyToonDog:


Kamihime Project R is an adult oriented hentai style RPG adventure game featuring turn based combat elements and an awesome and inventive story. Kamihime Project is available on the Nutaku platform and is free to play with in game incentives to spend money. We have reviewed this game 2 years ago, but since then there's been many updates and changes, so this is an updated review. The legendary status of this game warrants yours truly to give it a review and a deep look. So the question is, after playing this game for hours and now reporting back to you, is it worth your time and possible money? Well, let's dive right into it.


In the colorful and fantastical world of Kamihime Project, you the main player is thrown into the role of the "successor", A dude who finds some sort of ancient relic only known as the "device" while he just happened to be exploring some old strange looking ruins. He and his friend from childhood, Alyssa, are thrust into a journey by their own will or via others will, to defeat the next coming of Ragnarok, the same evil occurrence that completely obliterated civilization thousands of years past. In the midst of your journey you will be tasked with recruiting various things such as souls, Kamihime, and Eidolons and assist them in completing the ultimate goal of defeating the Ragnarok.�Kamihime used to be human but have somehow obtained powers akin to that of a god, they posses powerful magical abilities. You must assist these Kamihime with the help of Eidolons, human like monsters with tremendous power, to defeat the dark forces of the Ragnarok.

Art And Graphics

You want to know what makes a great game even better than great? When it is also pretty to look at. This game is pretty to look at. Full of vibrant colors and featuring well illustrated anime girls as the main characters this game is everything you want in the visuals department. I was struck by the elaborate and creative attention to detail depicting the various monsters and enemies you encounter in the battlefields. I wouldn't be surprised if the devs spent several months developing the concepts for the final artwork that is displayed in all of it;s glory here in Kamihime Project. The main game menu is also not lacking in the pop factor department with stunning graphics on display for simple things like buttons, layouts and GUI elements.� The amazing anime manga like special attacks in the turn based battles are animated in an epic fashion and are brilliant to behold. You quickly realize you are not really playing a sex game but rather you are playing an awesome game with some sex in it.


The game play consists mainly of turn based combat missions against 1 or multiple waves of enemies. During these instances you can use basic attacks and choose where to focus your attacks. Also in our arsenal are various collected potions and elixirs. Each character has upgrade-able special abilities such as powerful special attacks or team healing magic. If things start to seem bad for your team you can also call upon an allied Eidolon to swoop in and deliver a devastating magical attack on your enemies entire team. Other than the combat there is the main story where you will enjoy endless amounts of dialogue from the main characters and interact with them. Of course you will have hot hentai sex encounters with most of them as well as the story progresses.�


The most impressive audio element in Kamihime Project are the Japanese voice overs for the various main characters. They are crisp, clear, and done extremely well. You really do not have to speak Japanese in order to be able to interpret the emotion and tone of what is being said along with the English subtitles. If the game only had the subs and did not have the glorious Japanese voice overs it would be a huge blow to the enjoyment of the story. If the voice overs were not impressive enough you have the epic sounds of battle and magic bellowing into your ear drums during the turn based combat. When you get those anime style cut scene accompanied power attacks the sound that comes with it is just as brutal as the visuals matching it perfectly. When your eyes and your ears are seeing and hearing the same thing someone did something right.


In conclusion, Kamihime Project is a stunning RPG with amazing turn based combat in a creative and inventive world that will have your imagination running wild. While there is no shortage of hot hentai sex scenes in the game the main allure here is the notion of a legit RPG with just as much credibility as any mainstream non adult entry. The vast amount of quest types, upgrades, and side games within this epic entry will keep you busy and entertained for hours on end at a time. This is a knockout achievement of a title and I highly recommend everyone gives it a try!


  • Insanely good visuals and animations
  • Awesome turn based combat
  • Very hot hentai sex scenes
  • Vast amount of quest types
  • Seemingly never ending amount of upgrades and items
  • Very good story
  • Intriguing and interesting characters


  • Could use maybe a tiny bit more sex?
You can play the full game at Nutaku

Be sure to also check out our walkthru guide --> Kamihime Project R Playthrough

Game Screenshots: